Im Clossing Clan dont ask me why i have tag or if u can come

sobota 22. januára 2011

Nissan Silvia s13 Club K´s Flush Tunned Upadte!!

 Zmodeler Rendering

 Hi, here is my updated Flush s13 I changed it to the wheel added JDM headlightsimprove the quality, erase buggs .... in these figures is not visible interior I noticed thatwhen I closed ZModeler but still nothing changed on it so remains as the older S13 :)

This is so far from me everything I hope you like the pictures



štvrtok 6. januára 2011

Race Driver GRID Matty Team

Car Ripped From game Race Driver GRID

pondelok 3. januára 2011

2011 first car for GTA4 WOoOoOoO!

Hi this is mine S13 U.S.P From GTA San Andreas i like it this one so i try made for GTA4 and now is done removed paintjob car is colored its edited more quality just must repair bugs on door and more

enjoy Pics

see ya soon